
 Privacy and Data Protection

Businesses today collect and store vast amounts of diverse data from all sorts of digital channels – client data, user data, vendor data and employee data. The increased focus on deriving business value and insights from this data is also driving the adoption of powerful analytical tools that provide startlingly detailed information about the lives and behaviour patterns of individuals. Increasingly, privacy is becoming a battleground between consumer activists and regulators on the one side and businesses on the other about what constitutes acceptable use of personal data. The consequences of not getting privacy correct have been severe both from a reputational and a monetary perspective.

Our experience in working with companies which, and jurisdictions that, treat privacy breaches very seriously allows us to advice our clients across the privacy, data protection and information security spectrum. We regularly advise clients on formulating privacy and data protection strategies that are industry specific and also take into account the particular sensitivities of a customer segment.

In addition, we work with law firms across the world that have market leading capabilities in the privacy area, therefore allowing our clients the benefit of a global perspective.

Our capabilities

  • Understanding the need for data in the business
  • Analysing privacy obligations in outsourcing transactions
  • Auditing existing privacy frameworks to ensure suitability for business needs
  • Advising on suitable privacy and document retention policy options
  • Drafting privacy, document retention and information security policies
  • Dealing with data losses