Early Stage Capital and other Start Up Activities

The raising of external capital is a key milestone in the entrepreneurship journey and it is a process that, unless handled correctly, can be stressful and distracting.

One of the keys to making the funding journey easy is to get the corporate structure right initially and follow up with proper documentation and processes. Having represented the investor as well as companies/founders in a number of transactions, we understand the issues that impact a deal’s viability or valuation and how to address them. We are also familiar with earn outs, escrows and other deferred consideration structures which are used extensively in private company transactions.

Over the last 18 months we have done numerous early stage capital transactions with investment amounts ranging from USD 50,000 to USD 5,000,000. We have developed and executed transaction structures for every phase of early stage capital ranging from friends-and-family rounds to angel, seed and Series A rounds.

We regularly represent a few of the more prominent venture capital and angel funds in India as well as founding teams and companies in diverse areas but with a technology centric focus since this fits in right with our other core capabilities in the technology and employment domains. We work with young companies and founders before, during and after investment transactions in a seamless fashion and provide a one-stop solution for the legal needs of start-ups and young companies that are rapidly growing.

Our capabilities

  • Company formation
  • Founder/early employee employment, founders agreements and capital contribution arrangements
  • Preparation for investments
  • Term sheet negotiations
  • Due diligence
  • Definitive documentation and closing activities
  • Issuance of equity/debt instruments
  • Regulatory advice relating to investment structures
  • Reverse vesting escrow arrangements and other post-closing activities
  • ESOPs and other forms of compensation